You Are Who you Say You Are...
I have to tell you that there are days when everything seems to take forever, there's too much on your plate, and it requires every bit of your focus just to make it through the day. Once you finally get to the end of the day, once you finally get to sit down, you either feel horrible or you feel like you have just climbed Mount Everest. I chose to feel like I'm standing on the mountain top and there's nothing that will take me down. I choose to remember that I made it "through" the day, which is all the evidence I need.
Choose wisely how you view things. Choose wisely what message you tell yourself. Choose wisely how you feed your mind and spirit. The world can be cruel enough. The nicest person that keeps you company should be self. Stop being your own worst enemy. The world passes out enough insults. Don't join the crowd, unless the crowd is joining. Whatever you choose to tell yourself, you are right. If you are negative about what you can't do, you are right. If you are positive about everything that you can do, you are right.
I am a conquerer. I am a creator. I am victorious. I am created in God's own image.
Your faith, your beliefs, determine your destination...