Our Creator, our Lord and Savior, we come humbly before your throne or grace and mercy. You alone are Lord. You are the King of kings. You are the Lord of lords. We love you and we praise you Dear God.
We come acknowledging our sins and our shortcomings and we are asking You for Your forgiveness. Clearly there are things that we ought not to have said and done that we did anyway and others that we should have but we failed. Forgive us Oh Lord, we need thee.
Lord we are elated that you love us. We are grateful that you are the God of a second, third and even a tenth chance. We are so glad that you woke us up this morning. We are in awe of your willingness to continue blessing us despite us. We are eternally grateful.
We do not come to you, however, with selfishness. We come to you praying this prayer of gratitude for others. We come asking that you bless those that love you as well as those whom do not. Help us walk like Christ so that they may come to know Christ. Help us be a blessing to you and to others.
In Jesus' Name we pray.....AMEN!
(Poetry or some other piece here)
Inner Visions Magazine/January 2017 ................................................................................................................... Page 3